Support Dementia & Alzheimer’s Research with Us
Hello, my name is Colleen Wall, and I am dedicated to supporting Dementia and Alzheimer’s research. My passion for this cause began after my mum, Joan, passed away in 1996. For years, my family and I thought her change in behaviour was just a part of ageing, only to discover after her passing that she had been suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can cause a range of behavioural changes, which can be confusing and distressing for both the individual and their loved ones. These changes might include increased forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty with language and communication, mood swings, withdrawal from social activities, and changes in personality. Understanding these symptoms can help in recognizing and supporting those affected by the disease.
In the early days of my journey, finding clear and accessible information about Alzheimer’s was challenging. Most of the available research was highly technical and geared towards medical professionals. This made it difficult for me to stay engaged, and for a time, my efforts to understand the disease stalled.
Fortunately, the landscape has changed significantly over the years. Thanks to the internet and the establishment of various support organisations and research foundations, information about Alzheimer’s and brain health has become more accessible. I've become deeply interested in the latest advancements in brain research, including neuroplasticity, quantum physics, and brain health practices such as mindset shifts, breathing techniques, havening, tapping, visualisation, and retraining the brain through neuroscience and neuropsychology.
My husband Neil and I are proud to support Dementia Australia and the Dementia Australia Research Foundation as our chosen charities. Their values of respect, support, empowerment, engagement, and courtesy resonate deeply with us.
To honour my mum and support this vital cause, we created "Journaling for Joan." All funds raised through this initiative will directly support the work of Dementia Australia and the Dementia Australia Research Foundation.
As a token of our gratitude, we will gift you my handcrafted "Journaling for Joan" Digital Planner & Vision Journal. This versatile tool is more than just a journal; it’s a diary, planner, and note-taking device all in one. Customise it to fit your needs and enjoy the many health benefits associated with journaling and staying organised.
We thank you sincerely for joining us on this meaningful fundraising journey.
Warm regards,
Colleen & Neil Wall
PS: Joan’s favourite flowers were roses & dahlia’s however, she could grow anything.
My Achievements

Received first donation

Added a profile photo

Reached fundraising target

Shared page on social media

Updated my page
My Updates

Join Us in Supporting Dementia & Alzheimer’s Research!
Tuesday 4th Jun
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024-2025 Journaling for Joan Dementia Australia Research Foundation fundraiser! 🌟
In memory of my mum, Joan, who bravely battled Alzheimer’s, we are dedicated to supporting Dementia Australia and the Dementia Australia Research Foundation. These organisations are close to our hearts, aligning perfectly with our values of respect, support, empowerment, engagement, and courtesy.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s can bring about significant behavioural changes, including memory loss, confusion, difficulty with communication, mood swings, and personality changes. By raising awareness and supporting research, we hope to make a difference for those affected by these challenging conditions.
To support this cause, we invite you to donate even as little as $1 and, as a heartfelt thank you, we will gift you our handcrafted "Journaling for Joan" Digital Planner & Vision Journal for 2024-2025. This versatile tool comes with instructions for use and serves as a diary, planner, and note-taking device all in one. Customise it to fit your needs and experience the many health benefits of journaling and staying organised.
Your donation will directly support the essential work of Dementia Australia and the Dementia Australia Research Foundation.
Join us on this meaningful journey to make a positive impact. Every contribution counts!
Thank you for your support.
Warm regards,
Colleen & Neil Wall
#DementiaResearch #AlzheimersAwareness #JournalingForJoan #SupportDementiaAustralia #Fundraiser2024 #DonateNow

The 100 Day Challenge
Friday 1st Jul
One year on from mum's Centenary Celebration & 100 is still the theme.
This year, we are releasing the "100 Days of Affirmations Vision Journal" as your gift for donating to the Dementia Australia Research Foundation and the challenge is to build your dream life in 100 Days through Journaling with Vision.
The benefits of Journaling are well documented including:
Help control your symptoms - anxiety, stress, depression
Can improve your mood
Gain clarity in problem solving
Address your fears with solutions
Learn what triggers certain emotions in your life
But what happens when you combine Journaling with affirmations & add in some visioning to create an amazing picture of a period of your life or build the life you have been dreaming of, right in front of you. That’s a whole new milestone to be reached.
It is possible!
Have you heard or read this somewhere
Can you believe, even all those years ago, there were some who were visionary enough to know that there is a way to manifest their future.
In journaling there is no judgment or retribution. It’s a practice of getting all those, what may appear, dysfunctional thoughts out of your mind. You can come back to them at any time.
By adding affirmations & visualization to your Journaling you can:
build the life of your dreams;
find the perfect soul-mate;
earn more money;
or even design a fitter, healthier body and mind.
How to make the most out of your Vision Journal
To make the most of your visioning I recommend that you set aside 10 - 15 minutes each morning, open your Vision Journal (yes, it comes as our gift to you when you donate WHATEVER $ value you want to The Dementia Australia Research Foundation), read your Affirmation for that day, put on some nice music (could I even suggest my good friend Natalie Ledwell’s Manifest Miracles Meditation), close your eyes for a couple of minutes to absorb the relaxation and vision the affirmation & what it means to you.
When you’re ready, open your eyes & write some notes of your vision & what the Affirmation means to you in the lined section of that Day’s Journal Affirmation page.
You could even import some images that give your vision & affirmation meaning.
Do this for 100 Days and when you look back on the visions you have created, flipping the pages over like a story book, you will build a moving picture of what your perfect vision means to you.
Embrace it, live it, feel it & act it. Be it!
We hope you enjoy Journaling with Vision and we’d love to hear your feedback or any great milestones you conquer.
Thank you for donating to the Journaling for Joan - Dementia Australia Research Foundation.
Kind regards,
Colleen & Neil Wall

Today is World Alzheimer's Day
Monday 21st Sep
Today is World Alzheimer's Day & we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Dementia Australia & Dementia Australia Research Foundation this year to raise essential funding & awareness of Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease.
We invite you to join us in acknowledging the amazing work that these organisations do by placing a donation to Dementia Australia Research Foundation at
Thank you sincerely for joining in & don’t be shy, feel free to share this post & spread the word. Let’s make it LOUD! Let's go Purple!
As a sign of our appreciation for your kind donation to Dementia Australia Research Foundation we are gifting our “Journaling for Joan” 4th Quarter 2020 Digital Journal & Diary to all who participate.
Head on over to our Dementia Australia Research Foundation page to make a donation.
#worldalzheimersday #dementia #alzheimers #dementiaaustraliaresearchfoundation #letsgopurple
Thank you to my Supporters

Lisa Buttfield

Colleen E Wall

Golfezy Academy & Golf Events Management
Good luck with your fundraising.
Hello my fairy god mother. I hope you reach your goal. Awesome work you are doing. Nana would be so very proud of you.