Janet Long-Williams

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I'm taking on a Marathon to Remember and making a difference for people living with dementia!

I’m challenging myself to complete a Half Marathon to raise funds to support people with dementia.

I’m going to be doing my Marathon over days. Not in one hit! I will be posting my progress on a daily basis!

As most of my dear friends know my husband Darren was diagnosed 7 years ago. Our two girls we 5 and 3 at the time.  My Dad was Diagnosed 2 plus years ago and My Grandfather also died from Dementia.

It is not a disease I want anyone going thru it hard to see the person you love decline each and everyday. Their memories!

We take for granted each and everyday that we can Talk walk dress ourselves feed ourselves live a normal life.

Please donate what ever you can afford every little amount helps it all adds up.

Please help me reach my goal by making a donation. It only takes a minute and any amount you can give will go a long way to fund medical and social research and support the vital services, support groups and education programs that Dementia Australia provides to people living with dementia, their families and carers.

Thank you for your support

My Achievements

Received first donation

Added a profile photo

Reached fundraising target

Shared page on social media

Updated my page

Completed Marathon to Remember!

Thank you for your gift


Melanie Andrews

You go girl xx