We're cycling 350km to raise money for demantia

We are cycling from Orange to Manly over 3 days and (roughly!) 350km to raise money and awareness for Dementia Australia.
Join us, donate or track our progress in training and the event at:
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Thank you to our Sponsors

Pkf Corporate Finance Team

Patricia Mckenna
From all at Waterside. Rather you than me!!!

Leo Ward
Great work Anthony and gang Leo

Kieran Boyd
Well done fellas. Huge effort.


Anthony Nicholson
Congrats on the finish lads! Great effort and great cause you're donating too

Simon Amesbury
Awesome job guys, absolutely smashed it!

Johan De La Rey
Go on legends (and Moody) 🤙🏻

Stephen Myers

Meredith Hibbert
What a fantastic cause to support. Very close to my heart too.

Lindel Lombe
Go Cam!

Douglas Rooney
Moody for the yellow shirt!

Reece & Hannah Dizenzo
Good luck mate, amazing cause, proud of you! x

Patricia Anne Ward
Dad would be very proud of you John xx Mum.

David Lyons
Good luck… don’t let Moody sabotage your progress and don’t let Cam sleep in a pub again…

Gabriel Harris & Ben
Go teeeeeeam!! X

Jemima Butt
Amazing effort! Don’t envy you on those Blue Mountains inclines! X

Jackson And Izzy
Congratulations and go well for the good cause! Cheers

Christopher Skipsey
Good effort big man - Vaseline those rims

Jade Faassen
Amazing effort, boys! Looking forward to celebrating with you this afternoon X

Peter Canty
Enjoy the ride John and Team a great cause.

Great stuff

Roger Holdsworth

James Armstrong
Nice one Cam lad. Best of luck. Smash it as usual 💪

Dora Tsaroumis
Great cause !!!


Heather Somers
Well done boys!!

Gareth Morgan

Georgia Neylon
Good on you Cam! Best of luck!

Roshan Emmanuel
Great initiative mate, well done. Good luck for the ride. Day 2 looks like fun!

Sasha Lawrence

I'm pretty support drivers have to give the riders a foot massage...

Andy Evans
Good luck mate!!

Si March
Good luck Buddy!

April Pilley
$100 for a weekend of my own TV choices sounds about right. Smash it boys!!

Louise Myers
Good luck Daniel super proud going to a great cause xx

Josh Crookston
Bring it home lads! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

Tony And Julie Somers
Riding for a great cause. Well done Jordan

Team 'huge Fact Hunt' Uk
Hope you're on your game like your trivia answers! Go Matt 👏🏻

Dan Cotton
From orange to beer? That's no way to lose 100 kilos! Best of luck. Great cause

John P
Good luck Danny!

Seb Kasprzak
Good luck lads!! Pint on me for the one that crosses the finish line first!

Steve Mckenna
Gel saddle Cameron? Best wishes!

Peter Nicholson


Kylee Dare
I’m very happy to donate to a cause which is close to home for my family also. Good luck!

Miles T
Normally I'd recommend you have some chub rub protection, but I think you have a thigh gap to rival most professional female models.

Martyn & Jenny Weatherall
All the best Chris. Love Mum & Dad

Chris Weatherall

Great cause, best of luck Cammy

Timothy Whicker

Charlie Lim
Go well son. Walking like John Wayne next week!

Hope you’ve got a good set of stabilisers!

Joseph Raheb
Best of Luck Danny. Wish I could join you!

Amy Whykes
This is awesome John! Super proud of your energy and enthusiasm to do something for a cause also close to my heart! You got this!

Jon Whitehead
You know what you need to pack!

Leah Jeffreys

Kerrick Lehman
Nice one Danny, good on you and good luck with the ride. Great cause

Lily Aspinall
Smashed it! Well done!

Chris Aspinall
Congrats pal, quality cause!

Good luck mate. Hopefully no cramps. Try something a bit harder next time 👍🏼

Paul Arthur
Please bring Moody back alive

Kamron Ley
Good luck, and great work mate!!

Shaun Myers
Good luck mate

You’re nuts! Goodluck to you and the gang!

Ellie, Adam And Maxi
Goodluck lads! Supporting a great cause.


Leon Vaughan
Innovation occurs on the boundaries of pedals


Sebastian Kasprzak

Evan Ryan And No One Else
This is all of Evan’s money and nothing to do with Mitchell verity at all. Goodluck tiger knock ‘em dead and remember it’s Monday soon !

Neil Myers
Outstanding effort yet again Daniel good luck all of you #UTL

David Brockie

Tom Baker

Katherine Taylor
Good Luck!

Sean Curd
Yea the boys 💪

Dom Ostrowski
Look at him y’all. Champ…… Champ……Champ……..

Ian Grant

Jen Trak
Good on ya kids

Clare And Mark Eccleston
Good luck a worthy cause

Michelle Blayney
Best of luck John, a noble cause that effects far to many.

Shane Drury

Natalia Paoutova
Best of luck John, such a worthy cause!


Eamonn Stanton
Good Luck

Glenn Hare
What a great initiative Danny, we’ll done mate!

Laura Buckley
I met your Mom on a cruise several years ago. She is a very special lady and I’m sure her son is just as special! Best of luck!

Adam Zaccaria

Sukiena Hadi

Barz (bahareh) Goli
great work Danny! and Good luck

Dan Howlett
Important cause and a huge effort. All the best with the ride!

Michael Hunter
Massive amount of climb !! Good on ya

Brendan Ayre
Great cause, best of luck mate

Christine Bostridge
Good luck !! From the Bostridge’s



Glenn Topping

Erin Sutton
Well done Chris - sounds like you are enjoying the training - all the best for the big ride.

Kevin Kuechler
Go ya legend!

Tracy Xiong
Go Danny!

Dave Haslett
Good luck Danny.

Rob & Siobhan
Best of luck Cam! Sure you’ll ace it 😊

Rich Irving

Finlay Magowan
Go well Cammy!

Good luck CJ, smash it!

Jack Waudby
There is nothing impossible to they who will try x

Matt Ellis
Good luck, Cam! Some effort for a great cause.

Lewis Morrison
Go well Moody mate!! Great cause 👏

Adrian Leigh
Get out of the van and onto a bike!!

David Wang
Great cause Cam! Best of luck in tackling the inclines!

Andrew & Caroline
Awesome job!

Anthony Ward

Dan Hol Murphy
Get in to it

John Tassopoulos
Great cause Wardy !!! cheers Tasso

Andrew Young
Good luck Mate!

Klaudia Kowalska
Fantastic cause!

Wal Toscan
Well done Matt, enjoy the ride

Avril & Graham
Go Cam Go you can do it

Jo Bernauer
Awesome JW - good luck!

Sean Robertson
Great work enjoy the ride!!

Laura Mack
What a great cause, go guys!! Hope you aren’t too broken at the end and get to enjoy some of the wineries!!

Ollie Wilcox

Ryan Humphrey

Damien M
A very noble cause. Wishing you all the best on those hills.

Paulina Masternak
Ride and Shine Moody!

Rosalyn Christopoulos (matt D's Mum)
Good luck guys! We'll be barracking for you from the UK.

Simon Grunwerg
Good luck mate, sure you will smash it!

James Short
Does this mean your surfing has had to be put on hold?! Best of luck mate, great cause!

James Short
Hopefully your cycling is as good as your scrummaging… Best of luck mate, great cause!

Margaret Boardman
Good luck Daniel from grandma and grandad xx

Great cause Matt... Well done and enjoy

Gabi Smee
Good luck!

Corrin Lacey

Janis Lusins

Jen Mullarkey
Good luck Moody and team!!

Best of luck Anthony , such a great cause

Joan And Gary Mcfetridge
Good luck Cameron what a great cause

Elisha, Shane And Riley
Well done!! Enjoy the ride!

Ann Dunbar
What a massive effort from you all raising money for such a worthy cause!

Sanida Kirtovoc
Go Wardy!!


Ben Peaty
Great work. Glad to celebrate with you at the brewery !!

Mike Hurst

Neil Haines

Stephen Smith

Richard John

Brian Murphy

Adrian Van Der Linde

Linda Oatway
Great work on the ride Matt, making your mum proud for her 60th

Janis Sturgess
Good luck Matt a very good cause , well done

Kate Wolinska
Go John and the Team!!! Amazing cause, wishing you all the best and hope that Blue Mountains hills will feel super flat.

Bob Charman

Claire Hancock

Jamie Lennox

Tyler Seddon
Has Mitch still not donated? That’s a shame.

Mike Hurst

Jacalyn Morgan
Please stop sending pictures, it’s putting me off my breakfast! 🤣 jokes - well done, keep up the great work!

Kim De Martin
Great work JW!

Glenda Lane
Well done Jordan!! Keep going! Just forget about Lycra photos 🤣🤣🤣

Lewis Morrison

Lesley Watson
Well done & please please no more photos 🤣🤣

Alison Mitchell
Good luck Cameron, great cause.

Sydney Brodhagen

Laura Haines

John Ward

Matt Dunbar
good luck Matt, were all rooting for you!

Nathan Hamilton
Good luck mate

ride like the wind JW

Kylee Brain
Good luck Matt xx

I left my lasagna in your fridge. Please don’t eat it.

Tae Min Kim
Sorry I gave you stitches on your chin when we were 17

Big Billy
During the ride can you swing past mine and drop off Ethan's lasagne? I'll give you $30. Thanks

Jenny Mannix
Donation in memory of my grandmother Effie Jewson

Craig Hetherington
Enjoy and well done

Charlie J Tempone
Good initiative. boys! Drink as much wine as you can in Orange, and enjoy the ride back home.

Belinda Mamet
Great work John and all the best with the ride.

George Hill
Good luck!!

Michael Charman
Good luck on the hills!

Valerie Tillinger
We are cheering for you X

Sheila Aarts

Will Groombridge
Good work bellends


Jemima Butt

Natasha Jane Kieran

Thank you for raising money for such a great cause.


Leroy Dean
Remember, always ride against traffic. Or is it with Traffic? Yeah, with Traffic.

Nicole George
Good luck!

Glenn Topping
Puddles raffle

Yea the boys!!! Nice work x

Chris Weatherall


Joshua Hurst
Let’s go champ!

Harvey And Mary Graham
Good luck Matt and Team! What a great cause.


Michael Harrold - Ocean Rockpool Tour
Well done 👍

Amy & Brad Wright
Top effort Matt! Good luck Cuz x



Polly Bletsoe- Brown

Rich Irving

Great effort guys!
Awesome cause - Chris! Enjoy the journey.