I'm raising funds for people with dementia!
Mulitsport 4 memories 2.0 - raising money for Dementia Australia in memory of my beautiful grandmother Catherine Logan.
Last year we raised over $5000 for Dementia Australia however after missing a mid-race cut off, unfinished business remains. So, in Feb 2024 I head back to NZ with the hope of closing this chapter and crossing the finish line of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast longest day.
Over the next 30 weeks leading up to race day I will make a weekly donation based on my hours of training. If you are able, please make a donation to support my efforts and help me reach my goal to beat dementia.
All funds raised will support the work of Dementia Australia to provide vital support services for people living with dementia, their families and carers. These services include counselling, support groups, education and training.
Thank you for your support.
My Achievements

Received first gift

Added a profile photo

Shared page on social media

Updated my page

Donated to self

Reached fundraising target
My Updates

Raffle Tickets For Sale
Thursday 1st Feb
Thank you to my Supporters

Laura Bradford

Lauren Kelk
Smash it out Lana! You got this :)

Katie Hines
Go Lana! We know you’ll smash it! 💙 Hines x (Raffle)

Barry Dickson

Mannie Coates

Tony Pople

Emma Jean

Cat Kelly

Amy Talbot
Raffle sounds epic, but not as epic as your goal! Awesome stuff!

Peter Elsworth
Great work Lana! Smash it!

Di Taylor

Go Lana - We are behind you!

Tickets for Krista.Gardner@abbott.com Anne.paredes@abbott.com Manoj.yandapally@abbott.com Ira.winter@abbott.com Natasha.fielding@abbott.com Nicole.solomon@abbott.com Stephanie.watty@abbott.com Darren.tyler@abbott.com Nils.karunaratne@abbott.com Jordana.Chelton@abbott.com

Anita Ramage
Can’t wait to see you smash it Lana you legend xx Raffle :)

Emily Harrison
Raffle! Good luck!

Mark Harriott
Go Lana!!! The Bendigo Harriott’s are behind you again!! You’ve got this. So proud of everything you have achieved so far and looking forward to following your progress on the day. All our love xxxx

Week 30

Colin Gleeson
You go girl. If I win the Sox can I have two the same size; not 1 of s,m,l hahaha. Ally very best for this weekend.

Jennifer Showers

Diane Law
Go Lana! Go for a PB. Love you xox Luke, Owen, Ella and Di

Go Lana ! You will smash it !

Stacy Harris
Good luck Lana, you are an inspiration!

Sylvia Marshall

David Lack
Lana You've done the work, now do the job. Finish the business!

Liz Snow
Best of luck Lana, you've worked so hard! we'll be tracking your every move 😀

Emily Gentle
Great work Lana 🙏

Nt - Family

Good luck on the event Lana! Sahhh good

Tamara Taylor
You are an amazing person

Cameron Wilson

Week 29


Week 28

Best of luck Lana, you have trained very hard & Grandma be proud of you. Love Gramps xx

Chris Rose Boxing

Week 27

Week 26

Cathy Harriott
Doing great Lana in completing “unfinished business” support crew will be there to cheer you on. You have trained so hard and raising more awareness of dementia in memory of your grandma xx

Week 25

Aunty Julia
Never known anyone to handle a setback like you do. Covid…just another blip on the highway of life. Will be a very weird Christmas for you all not being able to spend it together. Especially thinking of mum/grandma - thank you for creating more awareness around this awful illness. Love you x

Week 24

Week 23

Lana Harriott
Week 21 & 22

Lana Harriott
Week 20

Lana Harriott
Week 19

Lana Harriott
Week 18

Week 17

Week 16

Week 15

Week 14

Lana Harriott
Week 13

Lana Harriott
Week 12

Lana Harriott
Week 11

Lana Harriott
Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

Week 7

All the best for your training!

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1
You’re amazing Lana… but you already knew that! 😉 Remember get comfortable being uncomfortable out there. You got this girl! 💪🏼