cake icon
cakes created
Set of three candles
2 candles

Have your cake
and eat it too!

Create your own cake and ask friends and family to light the candles!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...

We know how the rest of the song goes... this year let's skip the bad singing, burnt party pies and stale fairy bread.

It's time to celebrate your birthday and who doesn't love cake?!

Simply create your virtual birthday cake and support the over 421,000 Australians living with dementia. 

Ask family, friends, and loved ones to give back for your birthday by adding a candle. The more candles, the more support we can offer those living with dementia!

Not only is a virtual birthday cake fun and mess-free, but this year you can really have your cake and eat it too! 

Celebrate your birthday in three easy steps!

purple register icon
Register your birthday
purple share icon
Share your cake
cake icon
Light up those candles